As a divorce law firm, we know better than anyone that filing contested divorce complaints is never easy. As such, our lawyers try to offer potential clients and clients alike the best opportunity for closure during this difficult process.
It’s hard enough to deal with the process, but it is important to not become so overcome with emotion that your begin to make questionable decisions that offer you no benefits. The best part is that you won’t have to go through this process alone. We are here for you and we can help.
Contested Divorce Complaints & Negative Emotions
Too many people who have filed contested divorce complaints have allowed negative emotions to control their decisions and actions at the time of the filing (and sometimes even before) and during the divorce process. This error in judgment, failure to control negative emotions, has probably contributed to the couple’s marital discontentment, thus, resulting in the filing of a divorce petition with the court. A person’s failure to control negative emotions and actions during a contested divorce can result in undesirable consequences.
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Punishing & Hurting The Other Spouse
Some spouses who are actively involved in a contested divorce are so angry or upset emotionally that they want “to win the battle.” Their number one objective is “to hurt” their spouse—to get back at him or her. They want to “punish” the spouse for his or her misconduct—to make life be miserable for him or her. The result is a type of emotional blindness that causes the person to act out impulsively and to lose focus of the goal to move on with his or her life. Furthermore, these actions can backfire! The court may see this “acting out” in an unfavorable manner. Thus, that party who wants to make the spouse appear to be “worthless,” may find the judge will award him or her a less favorable award.
The best way for a person to “get even” is to rely on the facts and circumstances of the case, not the emotional impulses from the heart. Relying on the temporary, yet immediate, satisfaction of distressing the spouse will not be beneficial to a person’s case. A Huntsville divorce attorney will warn his or her client about the possibility of using “spite” to win a case. A person does not want to make a bad impression before the judge; when that happens, the person has helped the spouse hurt him or her again. The goal of any person involved in a contested divorce is to make a better future for himself or herself than for the spouse.
Giving-In For A Quick Closure
In other cases, negative emotions can result in a person’s “giving in” to the other spouse’s terms just to get finished with the contested divorce, to move on, and to get closure. This unstable mentality can result in a disastrous outcome from a contested divorce. This person has not educated himself or herself and is reacting impulsively. He or she should contact a Huntsville divorce lawyer for advice. That attorney can take some of the distress from the client and assist him or her with the unpleasant aspects of a contested divorce.
Essentially, the attorney becomes the person’s counsel in many ways. Even when the client is near the “breaking point,” that attorney can intervene as a spokesperson. In those stressful moments, a person should be aware that without some consideration of the future, his or her current situation may not improve.
A person who is emotionally drained and desperately desires immediate respite should allow the attorney to intervene and review the settlement negotiations with the spouse’s attorney. That attorney will keep the client grounded to settlement terms in his or her best interest. Those people who do succumb to unrealistic and inequitable agreements may cause undeserved stress and unhappiness in their futures as the consequences of their decisions surface. Unfortunately, once the divorce decree has been issued by the Court, modifying that order is difficult, and often correcting the damages caused by impulsive “giving in” cannot be corrected.
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Let Go & Let Us Help You
Overall, contested divorce complaints do not have to be riddled with grief and emotion. It is sometimes easier said than done, but it is always best to listen to the thoughtful guidance of a lawyer you can trust. When calling divorce attorneys in Huntsville or surrounding areas, be sure to get a feel for how you are treated from beginning to end. This will give you an idea if you have reached someone who wants to help you or just take your hard-earned cash. We pride ourselves on the level of service that we provide each and every one of our clients.
An experienced Huntsville divorce attorney, Charlotte Christian, can counsel individuals who are facing a contested divorce. She has seen, much too often, how allowing negative emotionalism to be a factor in a contested divorce can be disastrous. Our office is located at 107 Jefferson Street, North, Huntsville, Alabama 35801. Charlotte Christian has been helping clients in Alabama for over fifteen years. Let Charlotte Christian, PC guide you through your divorce. Call today for a consultation at 256-776-7015, reach out through our live chat, or use our contact form to send us a message.
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