Military Divorce

Ways A Divorce Can Impact Your Business in 2021

What Are the Military Benefits for Former Spouses?

Divorce is a complicated matter, without adding in other factors. However, if your spouse is or was in the military, it might bring along other situations that must be taken into account––for example, the military benefits for former spouses. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced military divorce lawyer, please call (256) 649-2335 or

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How the Military Affects Childcare and Alimony

In typical circumstances, determining alimony and childcare can be difficult, but it’s even more complex in military divorces. The courts consider military service for both spousal maintenance and childcare; and military divorce attorneys are uniquely skilled at helping their clients navigate the system. To learn more, read Summit Family Law’s blog. What is alimony? Alimony

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How Do I Divorce My Military Spouse Who Is Stationed Overseas?

How Do I Divorce My Military Spouse Who Is Stationed Overseas?

How Do I Divorce My Military Spouse Who Is Overseas? The military divorce process is similar to other divorces that do not involve overseas military personnel. For example, you will establish grounds for a divorce, submit a divorce complaint, divide marital assets, or determine custody of your children. However, military divorces come with key differences

How Do I Divorce My Military Spouse Who Is Stationed Overseas? Read More »

Can an Ex-Spouse Claim Military Retirement Benefits?

Can an Ex-Spouse Claim Military Retirement Benefits?

Military divorces are different from civilian divorces in a number of ways, particularly when it comes to something called military retirement benefits. To learn more about whether an ex-spouse can claim military retirement benefits, read Summit Family Law’s blog. What are Military Retirement Benefits? Your military retirement benefits refer to the assistance you receive after

Can an Ex-Spouse Claim Military Retirement Benefits? Read More »

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